Thursday 7 January 2010

Top ten 2009 - The Rest!

I missed the cut-off point! So here are the final four in my top ten of 2009 in a snapshot:

- Beirut, March of the Zapotec

- The Low Anthem, Oh My God, Charlie Darwin

- A Mountain of One, Institute of Joy

- Florence and the Machine, Lungs

So there it is - 2009 in a nutshell. Apologies for the anticlimactic finish. I hope it elicited some reaction. Some albums are in there because they defined the sound of the year, some are in there because they stretched the boundaries of imagination, some are in there because they simply continue to excel at creating great music. All of them are in there because the music is evocative and beautiful in its own way. Let's hope 2010 is just as fruitful.